
Firmata and labview
Firmata and labview

Reading the descriptive text on the Pololu Page of the controler I wondered if I should populate that 3rd capacitor which was not included in the shipment. I’ll post a picture of the program tomorow. The LabView Code does the same thing except that it is implemented graphicaly. In that sense, if any program could be similar, it would be this one: int InA1 = 22 The Arduino runs a LabView Firmware which enables the Arduino to be controlled through Labview. The Motors are talking not more than 6A when running while the voltage adjustment is set to 6V.Īdditionally I cannot provide any Arduino Code, as I’m using LabView. The power supply cannot be the problem as I´m using a 16V 10A Lab Supply. I’m at home now and cannot provide you with a picture of my setup, but I will do so in the morning. Here is a link to a Datasheet: modelltechnik.at/Downloads/MTHPumps.pdf Any suggestions why the pumps behave like that when both are switched on? Should I use two seperate motor drivers? Is there any additional capacitor which I might solder to the board? Any suggestions on how I can get the pumps to work with a continous flow would be very much appreciated. I tried interfacing with 2 Arduinos at the same time (a MEga for Pump 1 and a Nano for Pump 2) which worked, but showed the same behavior. However, the flow seems to alternate in a very harmonic way around a fixed value. The volumetric flow (in my case oil) starts going up and down and is not continous as it was when only 1 motor/pump was running. However, as soon as I switch on the second motor the pumps start behaving in an alternating fasion. Im using 2 small gear pumps which I’d like to control via the VNH3SP30 Motor Driver Carrier. I have succesfully connected a Dual VNH3SP30 Motor Driver Carrier MD03A ( /catalog/product/707/specs) to a Arduino Mega which is driven by the Arduino Toolkit for LabView.

Firmata and labview